

Icons for social links

May 07, 2021

Finally, I've added icons next to social links. Many Owlstowners have requested for this feature. I'm grateful for their patience.

The icons are determined automatically based on the URL of the social link. If the icon doesn't exist in the list below, a letter avatar appears as an icon.

Here's the list of icons that are are currently supported:

Academic profiles, ACM Digital Library, DOI, Google Scholar, ImpactStory, ORCiD, Publons, ResearchGate
Social media profiles
Behance, Blogger, Codepen, Dailymotion, Dribbble, Dropbox, Facebook, Figma, GitHub, GitLab, Instagram, LinkedIn, Medium, Patreon, Pinterest, Quora, Reddit, Slideshare, Snapchat, Squarespace, TikTok, Tumblr, Twitter, Vimeo, Weebly, Wikipedia, Wix, Wordpress, Youtube

If there are icons not on the list above that you want to see added, email me at [email protected].

Greetings from Owlstown!

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