

Re-organized the Owlstown Editor

January 16, 2022

I re-organized the Owlstown editor. The new design introduces a bunch of improvements:
  • Editing screens are organized in sections
  • A special section for "Essentials", information that every academic website should have.
  • More intuitive way of editing navigation and adding pages.
  • Managing your list of publications is separate from editing the publications page.
  • Quicker switching between designs.
I posted a tweet about this update, which has a video of the redesign.
One of the problems fixed by this redesign is the confusion of managing publications and editing the Publications page. As I illustrated in the tweet below, it was unclear whether clicking on the Page tab edits the Publication page or edits a publication. This is also a problem for other lists, such as projects, courses, people, and blog posts.

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