

Owlstown Newsletter #31: Special Domains?

July 22, 2021

Hello Owlstowners!
No new features this month :( I was working on a few features, but I didn’t finish any of them in time for this newsletter. I did clean up a bunch of code and made changes to speed up the server, so enjoy some speedier loading times.
I would like your opinion on a feature that I’m working on. I’m thinking of adding support for special domains with endings related to academics. For example, or A full list of endings are below.
The benefit of supporting special domains is you can get a non-Owlstown domain name without buying your own domain name, which saves you $9-$12 (the typical cost of a .com domain).
I’m planning to add this new plan between the Basic and Standard plans:
  • Basic plan (free): use a domain with an Owlstown ending (*
  • New plan ($20/year): use a special domain with an ending related to academics (listed below).
  • Standard plan ($24/year): use a custom domain name that you own. 
Would you be interested in this new plan? If so, which of these special domain names would you select?
  • *
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I’d like to know if there is enough interest in the feature to warrant the time implementing it. If there is enough interest, I’ll send people who respond to this email a coupon for 40% off this new plan ($12 instead of $20).
Thanks for your thoughts!

Greetings from Owlstown!

Owlstown is a website builder especially designed for academics. You can create and maintain a beautiful academic website quickly and easily. Start your academic website and see what you've been missing.


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